NOTE: If you get an LMS error when any examples load, click OK and the course will run for you.
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Hello, I have put together this intoductory website to show you some examples of trainings I have created in VR/Simulation sysytems, video production, photography projects and LMS based computer online training programs.
I couldn't get behind the firewall for the 737 Max VR training as I no longer have access. I did a Camtasia video of using the product on my home system for you.
We used the V360 Software to create the training and there are great examples on their website. I love the software and own a personal copy.
Below are videos of the interactive College Course, Animated eLearning for AT&T, Video Recruiting Kiosk for the Air Force (which required a of of production) and an interactive version of my Diehl Media website (action script and C programming).